Recent Progress in Renewable Energy Generation, Distribution, and Storage
Summit Date | Oct. 2, 2016
Ballroom B and C | Hawaii Convention Center
Followed by the Sunday Evening Get Together
With population growth and industrialization, global energy needs continue to grow as well. Economic, political, and environmental issues are largely dictated by energy needs. The 6th International ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit will be focused around Recent Progress in Renewable Energy Generation, Distribution and Storage. The program on Sunday will include keynote presentations and remarks from representatives of DOE, NEDO, KIER and the Hawaii State Energy Office. A poster session will follow showcasing research, advancements and technologies.
E2S brings together policy makers and researchers to educate attendees about the critical issues of energy needs and the pivotal research in electrochemical energy that can address societal needs. The Summit is designed to facilitate interactions and foster an exchange between leading policy makers, researchers and energy experts. Program
Please note, the E2S talks are tagged within the technical program, which can also be viewed online, and within the meeting scheduler.
1600h |
Welcome and opening remarks |
1620h |
DOE's Efforts to Accelerate Federally-Funded Technology to the Marketplace by R. K. Dixon (US Department of Energy) |
1640h |
Japan's Policy and Activity on Hydrogen Energy by E. Ohira (New Energy & IndustrialL Tech Development Organization) |
1700h |
Recent Trend in New and Renewable Energy Generation in Korea and KIER’s R&D Activities by W. Y. Lee (Korea Institute of Energy Research) |
1720h |
Q&A |
1730h |
Closing remarks. E2S Poster Session begins |
Key Participants

Mark Glick
Administrator, Hawaii State Energy Office
Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism
Mark Glick is Administrator of the Hawaii State Energy Office, a post he has held since October of 2011. As Administrator, Glick leads Hawaii’s internationally regarded clean energy transformation and innovation efforts. Some highlights of his tenure include passage of the nation’s first 100 percent renewable portfolio standard (RPS), exceeding Hawaii’s interim 2015 targets for Hawaii’s RPS and energy efficiency portfolio standard, and leading the nation for four consecutive years in the per capita value of energy savings performance contracts.
Glick is Vice Chair of the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority and serves on the Boards of the National Association of State Energy Officers, the Washington Place Foundation, and previously as three-term Chair of the Executive Committee of the Hawaii Chapter of the Sierra Club. Glick has a Master of Science, Public Management & Policy from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Lamar University.

Robert K. Dixon
Director Office of Strategic Programs, US Department of Energy
Keynote Speaker
Robert K. Dixon is currently Director, Office of Strategic Programs, US Department of Energy. From 2008-2015 he was a team leader at the Global Environment Facility, The World Bank Group, directing a multi-billion dollar program of investments in climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation and other global environmental protection activities.
Dr. Dixon lectures at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced and International Studies (SAIS), Columbia University, and Georgetown University. He has been an advisor to the International Foundation for Science, CARE, and other philanthropic organizations. He also has been a consultant and contributor to the U.S. National Academy of Science and the U.S. National Academy of Engineering activities during the past 10 years.
 Eiji Ohira
Director Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Group, New Energy Technology Dept., New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Keynote Speaker
Eiji Ohira joined the New Energy and Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in 1992. He was dispatched to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a visiting scholar in 1997. In July 2011, he became project manager for NEDO’s energy storage technology R&D program. Since April 2013, he has been project manager for NEDO’s hydrogen and fuel cell technology R&D program.

Dr. Won-Yong Lee
Principal Researcher, New and Renewable Energy Division
Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
Keynote Speaker
Won-Yong Lee has been a board member of the Korea Society of New and Renewable Energy since 2009 and served as a vice president from 2014-2016. He has served as a committee and advisory member on new and renewable energy technologies for the Korean Government. In 2015, he served as Director of the New and Renewable Energy Division at the KIER.
In 2008 he was appointed as Director of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Division at KIER, and also served as Chief of the Fuel Cell Research Center of Excellence at KIER from 2004 to 2009. As Chief, he focused on the development and commercialization of fuel cell systems, especially residential fuel cell systems, and established the fuel cell test and evaluation center.
Boryann Liaw, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
Adam Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Hiroyuki Uchida, University of Yamanashi
Won-Sub Yoon, Sungkyungkwan University
Mark Glick, Hawaii State Energy Administrator
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Meeting Program
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Important Dates
Abstract Deadline April 15, 2016
Registration Now Open!
Travel Grants June 10, 2016
Exhibit & Sponsorships June 15, 2016
Early-Bird Ends September 2, 2016